It’s strange that I write when I am sad
Strange that it turns out to be the best of all my writings.
Sometimes I wonder if poetry is a reflection of my depression
Cos I never write when I am really happy.
Even when I write of all the happy things
I do it when I am low and empty
But I can still think of so many happy memories,
But somehow never when I am happy…
It’s strange that I write of happiness when I am sad
Strange that it sounds happy even though I am sad
I think the best of writing comes when one can feel
And I probably feel the greatest depth in me only when I am sad!
I write of being in love when I am away from love
I write of company and friends only when I have none of them
I write of joy when I am in sorrow
And of success when I have encountered the greatest failure!
What irony there is in this act of writing …
That I write that which is the opposite of my state
Strange that it sounds sane to me
Perhaps I feel the greatest depth in me only when I am sad.
Man turns to god in despair,
Man turns to beliefs and faith
But I guess what man actually does
Is turn to himself …
It is then that he realizes his true depth
Cherishes his true capability
Experiences his ability to bounce back against all odds
That’s probably what happens to me…when I am sad…
I feel the greatest depth in me only when I am sad.
{i came by your blog because i clicked on 'Vagina Monologues' as an interest.}
most people write when they're sad because it's easier to express yourself. there's a well of untapped feeling that only seems to overflow when you're not feeling your best. you're far too being happy when you are, to write about it.
i hope you feel better soon. x
its normal...when u r deprived of sth u ll think of that...everyone thinks of food when hungary,,water when thirsty,,,happiness when sad.......nice post.......
Hi, I came across your blog while I was searching for Don Williams & Chennai. I'm a long time fan of Don Williams and I have almost all of his recordings... If you need any of his songs, you can touch base with me...
Hi, I came across your blog while I was for Don Williams in Chennai. I'm a long time fan of Don Williams and I live in Chennai. I have almost, all of his recordings... If you need any of Don Williams songs, please touchbase with me!
Soumya, I'm sorry I took so bloody long to reply to the comment you left on mine to Chiti's home post. I just randomly clicked on your name to discover you actually have a blog among many other more interesting things :) Chiti used to mention you when we chatted.
Its great to read you. you write well & better according to you when u are sad :) I just feel that we are so busy 'living' and experiencing everything when we are happy- that where's the time to sit in a corner & write? Also because you feel as intensely as you do when you are happy, you are able to recapture some of it when you are sad & actually put it down on paper. It was great meeting u on the net like this :) Rock on!
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