A road full of twists, lots of surprises!

A road full of twists, lots of surprises!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I waited…

I waited because I thought waiting would help
I waited and kept saying to myself, “I must give time”.
I waited for the sunrise, I waited for noon,
And then I waited for the moon.
Another sunrise went by and so did another moon
And I was still waiting, thinking that waiting would give me what was mine.

I sat there…
Simply dreaming and painting pictures of my dreams in my head.
The tides became high and low
The moon went through its phases
And I simply looked on… thinking and dreaming
Dreaming my dreams and weaving my fantasies
Little did I know that a dream shall be but one
Until I can erase my own doubt and dread.

And so I kept dreaming what I was dreaming
Without a care, without a thought, without an effort…
I waited for the dream to manifest...
And I waited to see…

Many years went by and I lived just like that
I was going on with life but
I was dreaming and waiting… waiting and dreaming
Praying for my dreams to come true
But to see such a moment, what did I ever do?

I look back on those many years I spent
Simply wanting and aspiring
I look back and wonder how and why I waited
And waiting was so tiring…

I look back and say to myself
“If only I had stopped dreaming…
And started acting…
Moved ahead…
And had the nerve to tread…
On a difficult road…
Then perhaps today I could have looked back and said…
I did not wait for day to dawn
But ran all night and reached someplace before sunrise.”

And so I say to all of you
To dream means to be prepared
For the toughest times and the worst of nightmares
The man who walks through them despite falling many a time
The man who can face the trauma of people’s judgements and still carry on
Will one day turn around and say…
“I walked, I fell, I got hurt…
I still rose and walked…
And fell…
But I got up and this time I ran…
Finally I reached where I always knew I can.
And I claimed that which was my dream,
That which today is mine,
All that I struggled for…
Now belongs to ME”.

1 comment:

Ashish Waghray said...

as i walk through the tough phases in my life i realize that my dream may or may not come true even after i put in effort... in the function of life, output is not always equivalent to input... it is all about what path i wish to choose irrespective of the result... i may or may not succeed... infact u r already successful if u r bold enuf to stand by ur beliefs...